Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Senior Internet of Things / Cyber-Physical Systems Engineer
Who we are? The Wireless Networks Research Lab from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya is a leading research group in embedded systems and wireless communications, with a focus on Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. We are looking to hire an experienced Computer Science or Telecommunications Engineer to help us develop ongoing projects and strengthen our…
PostDoc Position Opening
PostDoc Position on Unlicensed LTE Experimentation at UOC Barcelona The Wireless Networks (WiNE) Research group at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona opens a PostDoc position on unlicensed LTE experimentation. The position is offered in the context of the ORCA (Orchestration and Reconfiguration Control Architecture) open call for extension: Unified Platform for Benchmarking 3GPP…
Postdoctoral Position Opening
Group description The Wireless Networks Research group pioneers the research and development of technologies that improve the way devices communicate. These technologies are present in our lives, through smart phones, home networks, vehicles, and connected appliances. They are also present in our ecosystems and habitat, in cities, roads and large infrastructures by providing seamless connectivity…
A call for regulation to safeguard the Wi-Fi of the future
The second Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions World Congress is to be held in Barcelona on 25, 26 and 27 October. It is the leading congress in this rapidly growing sector and is where the latest new developments and innovations are unveiled. According to analysts, the rapid evolution of sensors, networks and data analysis systems…
Call for PhD Grants IN3-UOC
The call for grant applications for the Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme; Education and ICT (e-learning) Doctoral Programme, and Network and Information Technologies Doctoral Programme is open. The deadline for applications for the doctoral programmes is 31st January 2016. The UOC is offering grants for these three doctoral programmes for the 2016/2017 academic year.…
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